Nadchodzą radykalne zmiany w koszyku inflacyjnym

koszyk inflacyjny 2023

W związku z tym, Europejski Urząd Statystyczny we współpracy z krajami członkowskimi UE opracował wytyczne w sprawie obliczania zharmonizowanych wskaźników cen konsumpcyjnych (HICP). Również zdaniem ekonomistów Credit Agricole i Banku Pekao, styczniowy odczyt inflacji CPI może zostać skorygowany w dół o ok. 0,1 pkt proc. Dwucyfrowa inflacja bazowa jest sporym wzywaniem dla władzmonetarnych. W teorii zakłada się bowiem, że jest ona pochodną siły popytukrajowego i pozostaje pod znacznie większą kontrolą banku centralnego niż „szeroki”wskaźnik CPI, w którym sporo „ważą” ceny paliw, energii czy żywności. Ceny wtych kategoriach „niebazowych” uznaje się za mało zależne od krajowej politykimonetarnej.

Rewizja obniży inflację?

Naprawy mebli czy sprzętu sportowego – dodano. Z kolei w ujęciu miesięcznym inflacja w lutym 2023 r. Wyniosła 1,2% wobec oczekiwanych przez ekonomistów 0,8% oraz 2,4% odnotowanych w styczniu. Dodajmy do tego, że niższa inflacja wcale nie oznacza, żeceny sklepach zaczną spadać. Spadek inflacji znaczy tylkotyle, że ceny będą rosły wolniej, niż rosły przez poprzednie 12 miesięcy.Dopiero deflacja – czyli wzrost wartości pieniądza – pozwoliłby na spadek cennominalnych. Na to się jednak w najbliższych latach nie zapowiada.

  1. Taka weryfikacja pozwala na uwzględnianie procesów związanych z tzw.
  2. Cen rosło w tempieprzekraczającym 10 proc.
  3. – Po osiągnięciu lutowego szczytuw kolejnych miesiącach inflacja będzie się dynamicznie obniżać.
  4. Przy weryfikacji wykorzystuje się wyniki dokonywanej na bieżąco analizy lokalnego rynku,

Podobnie było w przypadku „restauracji i hoteli”,których waga w koszyku inflacyjnym wzrosła o 0,34 pp. Jak co roku w marcu GUS dokonał zmian w koszyku inflacyjnym.Dokonuje się ich w oparciu o badanie budżetów gospodarstw domowych, napodstawie którego opracowywany jest system wag. Podobnie jak przed rokiem byłoto wydarzenie szczególnie istotne. Rok temu wagi w koszyku CPI były obliczonena podstawie „pandemicznej” struktury wydatków ludności w 2021 roku.

GUS ma precyzyjnie określone zasady, w jaki sposób mierzy inflację w Polsce

W stosunku do po-przedniego miesiąca ceny towarów i usług wzrosły o 0,1% (w tym usług – Yen nosi ciężar ultra-ludowej polityki pieniężnej BOJ o 0,8%, przy spadku cen towarów – o 0,2%). Wzrost cen towarów i usług konsumpcyjnych w 2023 r. W stosunku do roku poprzedniego wyniósł 11,4%. Dodatkowo zgodnie ze standardami upowszechnianymi przez organizacje międzynarodowe statystyka publiczna systematycznie wdraża nowe źródła danych wykorzystywane w badaniu tj.

Nadal bardzo szybko drożała żywność, którawedług GUS-u była o 1,8% droższa niż w styczniu i aż o 24,7% droższa niż w lutym2022 roku. Dla porównania, w styczniu roczna dynamika cen w tej kategoriispowolniła 21,1% względem 21,5% odnotowanych w grudniu i 22,3% w listopadzie. Należy podkreślić, że dużym wyzwaniem dla ekspertów jest bieżące dostosowywanie metodologii badania oraz procedur zbierania danych do wprowadzanych zmian prawnych lub regulacji cen tj. Działań osłonowych (np. w zakresie energii elektrycznej, węgla).

Inflacja w Polsce osiągnęła pełnoletność i jest najwyższa od 26 lat. GUS zmienił koszyk dóbr i usług

Publikacja zbiegnie się z aktualizacją tzw. Główny Urząd Statystyczny opublikuje dane o CPI w lutym oraz nowy koszyk inflacyjny w poniedziałek, 15 marca. Jednocześnie, na podstawie nowego układu wag, korekcie może ulec odczyt inflacji za styczeń. Problem w tym, że za Forex Forex Broker-przegląd i informacje FOREX Forex bardzo nie widać oznak hamowania tzw.inflacji bazowej, czyli wskaźnika cen dóbr konsumpcyjnych z pominięciem paliw,żywności i energii. Analitycy szacują, że w lutym bazowa CPI sięgnęła 12% i niewiadomo, kiedy zacznie się obniżać.

W nowym koszyku inflacyjnym, według którego inflacja będzie obliczana przez cały 2023 r., widzimy przede wszystkim wzrost udziału wydatków na żywność (powrót powyżej 27%) oraz transport (blisko 10%), co ma związek z podwyżkami cen w tych obszarach. Przeciętne polskie gospodarstwo domowe wydawało natomiast mniej niż rok wcześniej na alkohol i papierosy, wyposażenie mieszkania czy łączność. W lutym indeks cen towarów i usługkonsumpcyjnych (CPI) wzrósł o 18,4 proc. W porównaniu zanalogicznym miesiącem ubiegłego roku – wynika z danych Głównego UrzęduStatystycznego. To najwyższy odczyt odgrudnia 1996 roku.

koszyk inflacyjny 2023

Teraz zazmiany wag będzie odpowiadać przede wszystkim zmiana struktury konsumpcji wywołaneskokowym wzrostem cen artykułów spożywczych, paliw i energii. W każdym roku inflacja podawana jest na bazie wag w koszyku,które ustalone zostały na podstawie struktury wydatków gospodarstw domowych w rokupoprzednim. Więc Plusy i minusy online-dom maklerski otrzymywaliśmy dane o inflacji w oparciu o koszyk z2019 r., choć struktura wydatków w związku z pandemią uległa drastycznymzmianom. Analogicznie, w roku bieżącym bazować będziemy na poprzednim, któryprzyniósł ostre zamknięcie gospodarki na długie tygodnie. Pandemia miałaby ustąpić, to problem powróci – dane o inflacji ponownie będą bazować na strukturze wydatków odmiennej od bieżącej. W marcu Główny Urząd Statystyczny udostępni aktualny koszyk inflacyjny na bieżący rok.

Z kolei w lutym inflacja w górę do 18,4%. Dobrnęliśmy do szczytu w obecnym cyklu. Również ekonomista PKO BP Marcin Czaplicki jest zdania, że w nowym koszyku mocno wzrośnie udział m. Żywności oraz napojów alkoholowych i tytoniu. Niższą wagę będą mieć z kolei odzież i obuwie, rekreacja i rozrywka, restauracje i hotele oraz transport.

3 Ways to Start Mining NEO

mine neo coin

It is critical for a digital entity to have that “right to use” for it to qualify as a digital asset. While it is possible to have digital assets in a centralized environment, it can be extremely risky. Unlike Bitcoin, NEO users are rewarded based on the number of coins they possess rather than by using their computers to solve transactions.

mine neo coin

How Is NEO’s Network Designed?

mine neo coin

There is a fixed supply of 100 million tokens and as such the only way to acquire the token is to purchase it from a NEO exchange. Techfund – NEO is partnered with Techfund, a company that helps support and cultivate tech-based start-ups. Its interest in Techfund is driven by its desire to see an increasing number of new companies adopting NEO blockchain technology as this is all a part of its vision for a smart economy.

NEO Historical Price

If NEO is the token that gives you voting and decision making rights in the community, then GAS is what fuels smart contracts and get things done. GAS is what will be exchanged as currency inside the ecosystem and it is what is going to economically incentivize the various projects taking place in it. Both NEO and Ethereum have attempted to solve this problem through smart how to buy neo contracts. If users wish to make an exchange, the first digitize their assets, turning them into NEO. In short, NEO is a cryptocurrency that, uses easily programmable smart contracts in order to facilitate trust-less trades of real-world assets through the Blockchain. As NEO grows, it is focused on remaining in compliance with regulatory bodies — especially in China.

How to Buy Neo Coins

This verification requirement also extends to the distributed nodes on the NEO blockchain network. As both a safety mechanism and economic incentive, there is a charge to conduct a transaction on the NEO network. In contrast, gas fees in the NEO network are not paid in NEO, but rather in a separate cryptocurrency called GAS. The network’s GAS coin is generated with the addition of new blocks, which are confirmed on the NEO blockchain about every 15 to 20 seconds. Using smart contracts, NEO also employs what’s known as the NEO Enhancement Protocol (NEP).

  • Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU regulatory framework.
  • Cryptocurrencies can fluctuate widely in prices and are, therefore, not appropriate for all investors.
  • The “law” is the current block that is to be added to the blockchain.
  • Together, when these three things work in conjunction, they constitute a smart economy.
  • A smart contract is a piece of code that actions itself when certain criteria are met.
  • While digitized assets and smart contracts are popular on the Ethereum blockchain, the third key feature of what it calls “digital identity” separates NEO from the rest.
  • You don’t have to rely on someone else to hold up their end of the bargain because the blockchain will force them to do so.

As such, companies that are being assisted by Techfund will also receive assistance from NEO. OnChain – Onchain was created by Hongfei and Zhang as well, however, is a separate company from NEO. Onchain is responsible for creating DNA (distributed networks architecture) whose purpose is to enable anyone to create and implement a standardised blockchain and thus be able to interact with each other.

Individuals and institutions can acquire their own digital identity and NEO users can choose only to trade with parties who have a verified digital identity. They have a hard cap of 100 million tokens which are used for block creation, network management, and any consensus requirements. Ethereum is designed to be scaled for any application a person can think of, be it new currencies, non-fungible tokens, decentralized apps, or something as of yet uninvented. There will only be 100 million NEO—50 million of which went to fund-raising supporters, and the remaining 50 million are for developers, cross investments, and contingencies. Regulators and enterprises in China consider this hybridized governance structure to be one of NEO’s key selling points. This unique, hybridized structure is particularly noteworthy from a cryptoeconomic perspective.

Is NEO Going to Zero? NEO Price Dips 4% as Attention Shifts to Innovative New Bitcoin Platform – Cryptonews

Is NEO Going to Zero? NEO Price Dips 4% as Attention Shifts to Innovative New Bitcoin Platform.

Posted: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

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Wiele funkcji jest dostępnych dla absolutnie każdego. Dlatego każdy może bez wahania rozpocząć swoją podróż z CallMeChat. Pamiętaj, że nie musisz udostępniać danych osobowych ani numerów telefonów. Niezwłocznie zgłaszaj naszemu zespołowi wszelkie niewłaściwe zachowania lub przypadki molestowania.

Rozmawiaj z nieznajomymi

Nie ma potrzeby zakładania konta ani płacenia za użytkowanie Omegle TV czat online. Możesz zacząć jednym kliknięciem na komputerze lub smartfonie. To sprawia, że aplikacja Ome TV Polska jest tak wyjątkowa.

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Ciesz się dreszczykiem losowego czatu wideo z naszą platformą z dowolnego miejsca. Stworzyliśmy listę stron takich jak Chatroulette, które mogą służyć jako alternatywa. Internet znacznie ułatwił komunikację i interakcje społeczne. Witryny te oferują platformy do rozmów wideo, które pozwalają łączyć się z kobietami i mężczyznami z całego świata.

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Możesz rozpocząć czat wideo, przeglądać historie, wysyłać wiadomości lub nawiązywać połączenia wideo z ulubionymi osobami. To była nasza główna idea stojąca za stworzeniem CallMeChat, losowego czatu wideo. CAM ZL wykorzystuje najnowszą technologię bezpieczeństwa wideo do szyfrowania wideo i głosu przez Internet. Kompresja danych jest podobna do tej stosowanej na popularnych platformach streamingowych, takich jak YouTube, dzięki czemu połączenie jest płynne i szybkie.

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Administratorzy CAMZL monitorują wszystkie czaty wideo i tekstowe, aby upewnić się, że nie ma żadnych nielegalnych, pornograficznych lub niedozwolonych działań. Chociaż sekcje niemoderowane są w większości wolne od nielegalnych działań, nadal mają politykę przeciwko nim. Nie zdziw się więc, jeśli zobaczysz ludzi robiących nielegalne rzeczy w tej sekcji.

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Bull Flag Pattern: A Guide to Trading Bullish Continuations

bull flag trading

Now, what you want is for the price to be above the 50-period moving average. Now, the first thing you need to do is to spot a downtrend and wait for the price to break its trend line resistance. There are many options for protecting this type of trade with a stop loss.


bull flag trading

The idea is that like conventional support and resistance, price often gets rejected from FVGs. This can be a great additional trading signal because the bear flag is happening at a chart location from which a rejection downward may have a higher probability. It is not necessary that the moving average holds precisely and even if the price breaks the moving average to the downside, it can still be a valid bull flag. The moving average just provides an objective way of identifying pullbacks and helps to distinguish between impulsive and corrective trading phases.

bull flag trading

A bearish flag formation

  1. The bull flag is retesting the previous resistance as support and even though the price is falling below the support level, it does not negate the quality of the bull flag pattern.
  2. The steeper the rise, the more significant the bullish trend may be.
  3. In addition, StocksToTrade accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

In the example below, the bull flag pattern is forming after breaking above a previous resistance level in a long-term uptrend. The bull flag is retesting the previous resistance as support and even though the price is falling below the support level, it does not negate the quality of the bull flag pattern. Price is a dynamic concept and you do not always expect the price to react to chart drawings precisely; the overall idea of the setup and the context matters more than the precision. Bull and bear flags are popular price patterns recognised in technical analysis, which traders often use to identify trend continuations. To avoid false signals, traders and investors should look for a clear and distinct flag component with a tight consolidation range and low trading volumes.

Trading bull flags with volume confirmations

We’ll explain what a bull flag is, many of the subtle nuances in this pattern, and how to best trade the bull flag. During the following bullish trend continuation, the short-term 10 EMA (red) stayed above the long-term moving averages, confirming the bullish trending phase. First, we can see that the price has reached a previous Fair Value Gap (FVG) which is a smart money concept.

Flag patterns have five main characteristics:

Here, the price consolidates in a narrow, upward-sloping range, again forming a flag on a pole, but this time it indicates the possibility of the downward trend continuation. When the price breaks below the flag, it’s often seen as a selling signal by traders, expecting further decline. It’s constituted after the price action trades in a continuous uptrend, making the higher highs and higher lows. The bull flag pattern occurs in a strong uptrend and is considered a continuation pattern.

In the image below, the 10 EMA, 30 EMA, and 50 EMA have been added to the chart. During a pullback, the price dips below all three moving averages, signaling a significant market drop. Entering a long position at this point would be too early as the price is showing a bearish momentum structure.

You can measure the pole’s height and add it to the breakout point to obtain an estimated price target. Traders can set multiple targets or use trailing stops to maximize profits as the price moves in their favor. Again, looking at real-world charts and spotting their patterns bull flag trading is important. Bull flags may form, and then again, they may break down typically because you missed a resistance level or something else that caused the pattern to fail. The reliability of the bull flag pattern depends on the success of the checklist mentioned above.

A bull flag breakout is the best way to trade the bull flag pattern. After a stock has an initial bull run, then consolidates on lower volume, you expect the initial demand to return and force a new breakout in the stock. Lastly, be sure to analyze volume to determine the reliability of your bull flags. If volume expansion returns well on a stock, it should lead to higher prices. This is somewhat discretionary, but you don’t want to see a weak breakout on low volume. Then, during the flag formation, we get the pullback on lower volume and tighter range red candles.

What Is a Debt-To-Equity Ratio and How Can Investors Use It?

In a basic sense, Total Debt / Equity is a measure of all of a company’s future obligations on the balance sheet relative to equity. However, the ratio can be more discerning as to what is actually a borrowing, as opposed to other types of obligations that might exist on the balance sheet under the liabilities section. For example, often only the liabilities accounts that are actually labelled as “debt” on the balance sheet are used in the numerator, instead of the broader category of “total liabilities”.

Final notes on debt-to-equity ratios

Businesses often experience decreased revenue during recessions, making it harder to fulfill debt obligations and thus raising the D/E ratio. Those that already have high D/E ratios are the most vulnerable to economic downturns. Even if the business isn’t taking on new debt, declining profits can continue to raise the D/E ratio. You could also replace the book equity found on the balance sheet with the market value of the company’s equity, called enterprise value, in the denominator, he says. “The book value is beholden to many accounting principles that might not reflect the company’s actual value.”

Why Debt Capital Matters

Debt-to-equity ratio quantifies the proportion of finance attributable to debt and equity. Regular analysis, such as quarterly or annually, is recommended to track changes in financial leverage and risk, especially for investors or financial analysts. Other industries that tend to have large capital project investments also tend to be characterized by higher D/E ratios. Economic factors such as economic downturns and interest rates affect a company’s optimal debt-to-income ratio by industry. Coryanne Hicks is an investing and personal finance journalist specializing in women and millennial investors.

The Importance of a Debt-to-Equity Ratio to a Company

  1. In contrast, the Debt-to-Equity Ratio divides debt by shareholders’ equity alone.
  2. Like start-ups, companies in the growth stage rely on debt to fund their operations and leverage growth potential.
  3. She is passionate about improving financial literacy and believes a little education can go a long way.
  4. Regular analysis, such as quarterly or annually, is recommended to track changes in financial leverage and risk, especially for investors or financial analysts.
  5. While a lower ratio suggests lower financial risk, it might also indicate that a company is not fully leveraging the potential benefits of financial leverage to grow.

You can find the balance sheet on a company’s 10-K filing, which is required by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for all publicly traded companies. The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly. Current assets include cash, inventory, accounts receivable, and other current assets that can be liquidated or converted into cash in less than a year.

Quick assets are those most liquid current assets that can quickly be converted into cash. These assets include cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities, and net accounts receivable. For instance, a company with $200,000 in cash and marketable securities, and $50,000 in liabilities, has a cash ratio of 4.00.

However, industries may have an increase in the D/E ratio due to the nature of their business. For example, capital-intensive companies such as utilities and manufacturers tend to have higher D/E ratios than other companies. The current ratio measures the capacity of a company to pay its short-term obligations in a year or less. Analysts and investors compare the current assets of a company to its current liabilities. A higher debt-equity ratio indicates a levered firm, which is quite preferable for a company that is stable with significant cash flow generation, but not preferable when a company is in decline.

These balance sheet categories may include items that would not normally be considered debt or equity in the traditional sense of a loan or an asset. Because the ratio can be distorted by retained earnings or losses, intangible assets, and pension plan adjustments, further research is usually needed to understand to what extent a company relies on debt. At 0.66, Heineken’s debt ratio is higher than Campari’s, higher than the industry average, and higher than what would be acceptable in any industry.

For example, Company A has quick assets of $20,000 and current liabilities of $18,000. Utilities and financial services typically have the highest D/E ratios, while service industries have the lowest. Different industries vary in D/E ratios because some industries may have intensive capital compared to others. On the other hand, when a company sells equity, it gives up a portion of its ownership stake in the business.

Lenders use the D/E figure to assess a loan applicant’s ability to continue making loan payments in the event of a temporary loss of income. About half of the company’s capital is coming from debt, and for the wine, beer, and spirit industry, that’s not bad. Martin loves entrepreneurship and has helped dozens of entrepreneurs by validating the business idea, finding scalable customer how to develop a process map for operations management acquisition channels, and building a data-driven organization. During his time working in investment banking, tech startups, and industry-leading companies he gained extensive knowledge in using different software tools to optimize business processes. However, because the company only spent $50,000 of their own money, the return on investment will be 60% ($30,000 / $50,000 x 100%).

It is normal for banks and other financial institutions to have a high degree of leverage, borrowing large amounts of money to later lend them out. Calculating the Debt-to-Equity Ratio is fairly simple, with all the necessary information readily available on a company’s balance sheet. Let us take a look at a more detailed example of debt-to-equity ratio calculation and interpretation. With the Debt-to-Equity Ratio, it is important to stay within a reasonable range. If the company’s D/E is too high, it may signal too much debt and potential financial distress.

To determine the debt to equity ratio for Company C, we have to calculate the total liabilities and total equity, and then divide the two. Financial leverage simply refers to the use of external financing (debt) to acquire assets. With financial leverage, the expectation is that the acquired asset will generate enough income or capital gain to offset the cost of borrowing. Debt-to-equity ratio of 0.20 calculated using formula 3 in the above example means that the long-term debts represent 20% of the organization’s total long-term finances.

A high debt to equity ratio means that a company is highly dependent on debt to finance its growth. Shareholders do expect a return, however, and if the company fails to provide it, shareholders dump the stock and harm the company’s value. Thus, the cost of equity is the required return necessary to satisfy equity investors. Shareholders do not explicitly demand a certain rate on their capital in the way bondholders or other creditors do; common stock does not have a required interest rate. It theoretically shows the current market rate the company is paying on all its debt. However, the real cost of debt is not necessarily equal to the total interest paid by the business because the company is able to benefit from tax deductions on interest paid.

For instance, in capital intensive industries like manufacturing, debt financing is almost always necessary to help a business grow and generate more profits. A company’s debt to equity ratio provides investors with an easy way to gauge the company’s financial health and its capital infrastructure. One common misconception about the debt-to-equity ratio is that a higher ratio is always a bad thing.

A company’s management will, therefore, try to aim for a debt load that is compatible with a favorable D/E ratio in order to function without worrying about defaulting on its bonds or loans. A steadily rising D/E ratio may make it harder for a company to obtain financing in the future. The growing reliance on debt could eventually lead to difficulties in servicing the company’s current loan obligations. On the other hand, the typically steady preferred dividend, par value, and liquidation rights make preferred shares look more like debt. The debt-to-equity ratio is most useful when used to compare direct competitors. If a company’s D/E ratio significantly exceeds those of others in its industry, then its stock could be more risky.

Debt financing happens when a company raises money to finance growth and expansion through selling debt instruments to individuals or institutional investors to fund its working capital or capital expenditures. In the financial industry (particularly banking), a similar concept is equity to total assets (or equity to risk-weighted assets), otherwise known as capital adequacy. In our debt-to-equity ratio (D/E) modeling exercise, we’ll forecast a hypothetical company’s balance sheet for five years. If the debt to equity ratio gets too high, the cost of borrowing will skyrocket, as will the cost of equity, and the company’s WACC will get extremely high, driving down its share price.